First Published on Monday, May 1, 2023
Media Kiprah Kita is a news media from Sumatera. Based on humanistic journalism, it is published in light language and diction, easy to digest and meets the information needs of the public.
General Manager
Chief Editor
Musriadi Musanif
News Contributors
Edisaputra Siregar
Gusmizar Sitohang
Government Publications
Press Release
Expert Writers
Dr. Jasra Putra, S.Fils.I.,M.Pd
Dr. Suhardin, S.Ag, M.Pd.
Dr. Adil Mubarak, M.Si.
Dr. Sulaiman Juned, M.Sn.
Novi Budiman, M.Si.
IT Manager
Nova Indra
Law Advisors
Muhammad Nur Idris, SH, MH
Mustafa Akmal Dt. Sidi Ali, SH, MH
Head Office
P. Arafah Permai 1 No. 22 RT 016 Kelurahan Koto Panjang, Kecamatan Padang Panjang Timur, Kota Padang Panjang, Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
Post Code 27122
Call/Chat 081363119119, 08179109211
Email [email protected]
Published by
PT Milenial Jurnalis Mediatama
Notarial Deed Number 04 On February 05, 2021
Need to know by all parties:
1. Media Kiprah Kita is voluntary, therefore, there are no transactions or honorariums for published articles.
2. Media Kiprah Kita do not issue press cards, journalistic assignment letters, and do not assign journalists to certain posts.
3. Complaints and advertisements can be directly coordinated via email or chat at the email address and cell phone number mentioned above.
4. We serve better for your publication
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